Let SKYHIGH build your custom puppets!  Email Nicola


nicky & sun puppet
click on the thumbnails for larger photos

custom made sun star puppet by Nicola Finch custom made  moon puppet by Nicola Finch
My Sun & Moon puppets

puppet art by stephen
Stephen and his Puppet Art

Building the giant storyteller puppet
building the giant storyteller puppet building the giant storyteller puppet

the storyteller on parade
giant on parade   giant puppet and kids

Salmon's Dream ~ A traditional K'tunaxa Legend 
adapted by Nicola Finch for this full scale stage play with giant stick & rod puppets.
An Artist in Residence Project at Yahk Elementary School
artwork illustrating our puppet workshops by  yahk elementary students

puppet making  puppet making puppet making puppet practice
every student built their own 'human being' rod & hand puppets
line up at hall with human being puppets salmons dream audience salmons dream on stage  

The Giant Rod puppets in progress . . . 
built by Nicola & David Finch ~ painted & decorated by Carol Foggin
muscrat chipmunk grandfather giants head in progress woodpecker flicker

salmons dream on stage  salmons dream on stage  luke and coyote on stage

   Personal collection of hand made hand puppets
hand puppets n finch
hand puppets n finch 
raven ~ n finch raven - n finch

Elementary School Drama Club
creating hand puppets workshop teaching puppetry rehearsing voices for puppet show doorway theater and puppet club display

Kootenay Kids Workshop participants with their own Giant Parade masks
giant mask workshop creation giant mask workshop creation giant mask workshop creation

Toy theater workshop
students with toy theaters

Mask making workshop
mask making  workshop

Puppet Tales Puppeteers ~ Youth Group
teen puppeteer group

SKY HIGH workshops are all about masks and puppets ~ pageantry and celebration. My workshops are designed for small groups in communities and classrooms.  These workshops offer hands on experience with paper modeling, puppet & mask making, toy theatre, performance work and celebration.

thanks for visiting ~ Nicola Perrin-Finch
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